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British Palestine

Free for Members

Program Description

Embark on a riveting journey through the tumultuous saga of British Palestine in these four electrifying lectures! From the decisive defeat of the Ottomans in 1917 to the historic founding of Israel in 1948, witness the unfolding drama of a region in flux. Delve into the intricacies of Jewish immigration, navigating the turbulent waters of conflict with the Arabs and the seismic Arab Uprising of 1937 against the British occupiers. Explore the economic and cultural metamorphosis of this pivotal area, all while grappling with the malevolent influence of the Mufti of Jerusalem, casting shadows on the unfolding narrative. In the grand finale, immerse yourself in the captivating tale of Jewish resistance against the British post-World War II. These lectures promise to unravel a story woven with historical highs and lows, offering a front-row seat to the birth pangs of a nation and the echoes of decisions that continue to reverberate in the geopolitical landscape. Join us as we breathe life into the vivid chapters of British Palestine's evolution, capturing the essence of an era that shaped the destiny of a region. SCHEDULE: 4 Wednesdays, May 15 to June 5, 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM This presentation will take place online. You will receive a link to the class by email 24 hours before the presentation begins. ABOUT THE PRESENTER: John Felvinci was born in Hungary in 1934 and came to Canada after the 1956 revolution. Studied at McGill and received a doctoral degree in nuclear physics. Left for the US in 1965 to teach and do research at Columbia University in New York. During his research he got involved with computers and later worked in industry installing radiation monitoring and security systems at nuclear power plants. In 1990 he returned to Montreal and worked in telecommunications. Retired in 1994 and joined MCLL (McGill Community of Lifelong Learning), (was MILR), where he has been very active in moderating study groups, giving lectures and taking part in the administration. He was the chairman of the Curriculum Committee, Technology Committee and was President in 2000-2001. He also gives lectures at the Cummings Centre, Encore and other selected venues. Besides science and music, his hobby is the study of history and cultural history of Europe and North America.



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